It’s all about the content

I’ve worked on a lot of web projects over the years and content, or lack there of, always comes up as a project speed-bump. Everyone thinks they know what they want to say and that it won’t take much time at all to write. Or they believe the existing content just needs some minor tweaking. What they always find out is that creating content takes much longer than they expected. Another content issue that occurs is keeping it up to date. A good friend of mine called it “feeding the beast”. Once you have that fantastic new site you need to keep it fresh.

This article that appeared in Forbes, Your Content is Giving You A People Problem, discusses the importance of content strategy. The example is for a large organization but the theories applies to an organization of any size. The article states that determining content owners and having a content czar are important to maintaining high quality content across multiple channels. It stresses the importance of a nimble digital content team that is no only responsible for overseeing production but also actively tweaking content strategy base on analytics.

The only disagreement I have with this article is the timing of the planning of content responsibilities. The author says the time to create roles and assign responsibilities is after the designs are set is I believe that needs to be addressed in the Information Architecture phase before designs are set. Content owners should be involved in the organization of information as should any czar that will be coordinating content post launch.

Is Your Mobile Site Hurting Your Search Rankings?

Here’s another case for using Responsive Design. Your separate mobile site may be hurting your search rankings. This article SEO for the mobile web on Web Designer Depot states that duplicate content between the desktop and mobile sites may draw penalties from search engines and separate domains may split the page’s link equity and decrease page rankings. Using responsive design is the best solution to avoid duplicate content. The same content can be formatted to fit the view-port of any device that browses it be it a mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer.

You need to do more than just ask people to “Like” you

With Facebook having over a billion users a month you can’t ignore it as a means to connect with people to promote your products or services. Undoubtedly you see “like us on Facebook” everywhere. But is that enough?

This article “Like Us On Facebook”: Why It Doesn’t Work on IncSlingers says you need to do more. The article talks about the importance of having someone with marketing skills to manage your social media.  “Marketing has and always will be about communication with people, technology hasn’t changed the”. My favorite line in the article is “a message that has no call to action will fail, always. Like Us On Facebook is not a call to action, it’s a plea”. So provide people with a reason to engage with you.


Native app or Web app for mobile? It depends of course.

Recently I read two articles talking about the choice between native apps and web apps for your mobile solution. Both articles came at it from different angles. What came across for me in both was know your audience and how they will be using your mobile solution. What’s not discussed is the marketing reasons for having an app. If it’s cool for your brand and you think you can generate more traffic and buzz with an app – invest in one.

This readwrite mobile article Native Apps Versus Mobile Web: A Primer For Publishers provides a great overview of the choices you need to make when deciding on which direction to take. Native apps can be expensive and difficult to maintain but can offer more interactivity and better performance. Mobile Web apps may make it easier to deploy the same content across multiple devices but you may be limited in deploying rich media. This article includes a hybrid approach as well. I really agreed with this advice from André T.M. Alfuero, SVP of technology for Digitas. “The future is always uncertain, so it is key for publishers to stay flexible, Keeping content portable should be a major focus area”. He went on to say that publishers should focus on their content strategies as a whole.

A little while back Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg called Facebook’s HTML5 web app one of the biggest mistakes they made. Does that mean we should all give up on web apps and HTML5? As this article HTML5 is dead. Long live HTML5 on CNET explains there are many things to consider when deciding to go native or to create a mobile web app. Native apps can take advantage of closer integration with the phone but web apps can be updated in one place and cover many platforms. Make sure you know your audience and what features they need when mobile. As always make sure you have the resources to keep your apps up to date both technically and editorially. Read the full article and Zuckerberg’s full comments.

Who is the fastest growing segment on social media?

Does it surprise you that 45-54 year olds are the fastest growing segment on social media? How about the 22% use social networking sites several times a day. Facebook significantly outperforms Twitter for impacting purchase behavior. Although Twitter is growing more rapidly with 53% of users having been a member for less than a year. Check out these an other amazing social media stats in this Infographic found at All Twitter: 10 Amazing Social Media Statistics.